books by subject
Carl Jung
Personality Types: Jung's Model of Typology: 31 (Studies in Jungian psychology by Jungian analysts)
Dreams: Vintage Minis
Introducing Jung: A Graphic Guide (Graphic Guides)
Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method
Working the Soul: Reflections on Jungian Psychology
The Modern Alchemist: A Guide to Personal Transformation
Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?
Aspects of the Masculine (Jung Extracts)
Experience Mental Heal In-Pat Care: Narratives From Service Users, Carers and Professionals (The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis Book Series)
Music and the Mind
The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales
The Science of Mythology: Essays on the Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis
The Undiscovered Self
A Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud and Sabina Spielrein
Psychology and Alchemy
Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy
Shamans and Analysts: New Insights on the Wounded Healer
Paul Tillich, Carl Jung and the Recovery of Religion
Jung and the Postmodern: The Interpretation of Realities
Breaking Up Blues: A Guide to Survival and Growth
A Dictionary of Symbols
The Archetypal Imagination
On Jung
The Moon, the Hare, and the Pearl: An Intuitive Guide to the Therapist-Client Relationship: A companion for therapists and others who are drawn to their inner life
Interpreting Dreams (Penguin Modern Classics)
Psycho-Analytic Insight and Relationships: A Kleinian Approach
Aion: Researches Into the Phenomenology of the Self
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
Being a Character: Psychoanalysis and Self Experience