books by subject
Catalogs & Exhibitions

Aircraft of World War 2

Penguin (Icons Series)

Landmarks: Photographs by Fay Godwin

The Beautiful Plants of Kenya

Military Dress of the Peninsular War, 1808-14

Over India: Kite's Eye Photographs of India

Spike Milligan : The Family Album : An Illustrated Autobiography

Great Railway Photographs: A Classic Collection of the Finest Railway Photographs in the British Isles

Boscastle: 16th August 2004 - The Day of the Flood

Dogglebox: What Dogs Really Think About Television

Royal Family

Margot Assoluta

East Kent from the Air

Mecca the Blessed, Medina the Radiant: The Holiest Cities of Islam

Collins Photo Guide to Lakes, Rivers, Streams and Ponds of Britain and North-West Europe (Collins Field Guide)

Wild Flowers of Britain and Europe

Sherbourne and Milbourne Port (Archive Photographs)

Canterbury in Old Photographs: A Second Selection (Britain in Old Photographs)

World of the Polar Bear

Until Now

Journey Round the Arctic Circle

Century: One Hundred Years of Human Progress, regression, Suffering and Hope 1899-1999

Victorian and Edwardian Essex from Old Photographs

On Gardening

Why Cats Paint: A Theory of Feline Aesthetics

Aerofilms Book of Scotland from the Air