books by subject

Therese of Lisieux: A Biography

Seven Last Words

Praying Alone and Together: An 11 Session Prayer Module for Small Faith Communities

Healing Prayer

To Heal as Jesus Healed

This is Our Faith: Catholic Catechism for Adults

Choosing: Cases in Moral Decision Making

Your Life in Christ

No Moment Too Small: Rhythms of Silence, Prayer, and Holy Reading (Cistercian Studies)

Hermit Monks Of Grandmont, Hermit Monks Of Grandmont (Cistercian Studies)

Tuning In To Grace (Cistercian Studies)

Paul at Damascus: 50 (The Lion story bible)

The Catholic Church: Journey, Wisdom and Mission (High school textbooks)

Living the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Sacraments Vol 2

Faith and the Hungry Grass: Mayo Book of Theology

Preparing Catholics for Eternity

The Gospel According to St. Paul: Meditations on His Life and Letters

Do You Love Me?: A Practical Guide to Personal and Shared Prayer

What is Opus Dei?: Tales of God, Blood, Money, and Faith (The Conspiracy Series)

Ecclesia De Eucharistia

Sacramentum Caritatis: Post Synodal Exhortation on the Eucharist (Vatican Documents)

Light of the World: The Pope, the Church, and the Signs of the Times. An interview with Peter Seewald.

Voice of the Living Light: Hildegard of Bingen and Her World

Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life
A Modern St.Francis: Story of Brother Douglas (Faith in Action)

The Popes: A History

Renaissance Women Poets: Isabella Whitney, Mary Sidney and Aemilia Lanyer (Penguin Classics)

The Catholic Faith (Oxford Paperbacks)

Saint Patrick - The Man and His Works (Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight)