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Child Discipline

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Parenting School-Age Twins and Multiples (FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS)

By Tinglof, Christina

A Parent's Guide to Dyslexia and Other Learning Difficulties (Need2Know)

By Chivers, Maria, Pateman, Kerrie, Hart, Spencer

Good First Foods

By Lewis, Sara

Teach Your Child to Swim (Usborne Parents' Guides)

By Meredith, Susan

Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief

By Dale McGowan, Molleen Matsumura, Amanda Metskas, Jan Devor

Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems: New, Revised, and Expanded Edition

By Ferber, Richard

Baby And Child

By Leach, Penelope.

Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care for the Nineties

By Spock, Dr. Benjamin, Rothenberg, Michael B.

The Parents' a to Z: A Guide to Children's Health, Growth And Happiness (Penguin health books)

By Leach, Penelope

Mac Guide To Child Health Hc

By Hull, David

Girls Uninterrupted: Steps for Building Stronger Girls in a Challenging World

By Carey, Tanith

Stress in Young People: What's New and What To Do?

By MacNamara, Sarah

Bullying: What Can Parents Do?

By Brown, Kevin

Every Mother's Son: Role of Mothers in the Making of Men

By Arcana, Judith

A Parenting Manual: Heart Hope for the Family

By Childre, Doc

Green Parenting

By Soloman, Juliet

Meditating with Children: The Art of Concentration and Centering - A Workbook on New Educational Methods Using Meditation

By Rozman, Deborah

Help Your Child Succeed at School: The Essential Handbook for Parents

By Wilce, Hilary

Concurrent Planning: Achieving Early Permanence for Babies and Young Children

By Borthwick, Sarah, Donnelly, Sharon

Nobody Ever Told Us School Mattered: Raising the Educational Attainments of Children in Public Care

By Sonia Jackson

Adoption for Looked After Children: Messages from Research: An Overview of the Adoption Research Initiative

By Thomas, Caroline

Achieving Successful Returns from Care?: What Makes Reunifications Work?

By Elaine Farmer, Wendy Sturgess, Teresa O'Neill, Dinithi Wijedasa

Siblings In Late Permanent Placement

By Rushton, Alan, et al.

Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive

By Daniel J. Siegel, Mary Hartzell

Adoption & Fostering Journal: Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

By Mather, Mary

Feeling Happy, Feeling Safe

By Elliott, Michele

Age 7-8 (Let's Learn at Home: Science S.)

By Riley, Peter D.

Feeding Your Children

By Hall, Miranda

Positive Parenting: Raising Children with Self-Esteem

By Hartley-Brewer, Elizabeth

Help Your Kids Stay Drug-Free

By Francis, Paul