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Children's Books on Algebra

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Target Grade 7 AQA GCSE (9-1) Mathematics Algebra and Shape Workbook (Intervention Maths)

By Pate, Katherine

Using the Standards Algebra, Grade 5

By Hale, Melissa Warner

Algebra by Design

By Russell F. Jacobs

Pre-Algebra - By Design

By Russell F Jacobs

Algebra Teacher′s Activities Kit: 150 Ready–to–Use Activities with Real–World Applications (J–B Ed: Activities)

By Muschla, Judith A., Gary Robert

Dr. Math Gets You Ready for Algebra: Learning Pre-Algebra Is Easy! Just Ask Dr. Math!

By The Math Forum, Jessica Wolk-Stanley

Bridging Units in Mathematics Algebra: Introducing Symbols

The Ambitious Horse: Ancient Chinese Mathematics Problems

By Lawrence W. Swienciki

Linking Cubes and the Learning of Mathematics: Making Algebraic Structure and Mathematical Thinking Accessible to Learners of All Ages

By Paul Andrews

The Algebra Teacher's Activity-a-Day, Grades 6-12: Over 180 Quick Challenges for Developing Math and Problem-Solving Skills

By Frances McBroom Thompson (Texas Women's University)

Target Grade 5 AQA GCSE (9-1) Mathematics Number and Algebra Workbook

By Katherine Pate

A Primer for Mathematics Competitions

By Alexander Zawaira (Senior Scientist, Kapa Biosystems, Cape Town, South Africa), Gavin Hitchcock (University of Zimbabwe)

The Learning and Teaching of Algebra: Ideas, Insights and Activities

By Abraham Arcavi (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel), Paul Drijvers (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Kaye Stacey (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Essential Skills in Maths - Students' Book 3 (Essential Numeracy)

By Newman, Graham, Bull, Ron

Essential Skills in Maths - Students' Book 4 (Essential Numeracy)

By Newman, Graham, Bull, Ron

Developing Key Stage 3 Numeracy: Algebra Year 7 (Developing Numeracy)

By Mills, Steve, Koll, Hilary

Understanding Maths: Number Patterns & Algebra: Key Stage 2

By Schofield & Sims, Steve Mills, Hilary Koll

Teaching and Learning Algebra

By French, Doug

Essential Skills in Maths - Students' Book 5 (Essential Numeracy)

By Newman, Graham, Bull, Ron

Eureka! Challenging Maths and Numerical Reasoning Exam Questions for 11+ Book 2: 30 modern-style, multi-part Eleven Plus questions with full step-by-step methods, tips and tricks: Volume 2

By Francis MA, Dr Darrel P

Algebra Essentials Practice Workbook with Answers: Linear & Quadratic Equations, Cross Multiplying, and Systems of Equations: Improve Your Math Fluency Series: Volume 12

By McMullen Ph.D., Chris

Year 6 Maths Reasoning - Algebra for papers 2 and 3: for the 2020 tests (Collins KS2 SATs Smashers)

By Collins KS2

New Practise & Learn: Algebra for Ages 10-11 (CGP Home Learning)

By CGP Books

Teach Yourself Algebra New Edition (TYM)

By Abbott, Paul, Neill, Hugh

Number and Algebra (Stage 5) (Nuffield National Curriculum Mathematics)

Maths Extra: Logic and Algebra 1

By Whitcombe, Allan, etc., Wright, David

Number and Algebra (Stage 4) (Nuffield National Curriculum Mathematics)

By Hale, David, Pool, Peter

Number and Algebra (Stage 2) (Nuffield National Curriculum Mathematics)

AQA Modular GCSE Maths: Intermediate Module 3 Number & Algebra Intermediate Module 3 Number and Algebra (Gcse Maths Essentials)

By Senior, Trevor, Tennant, Mr Gordon

Developing Thinking in Algebra (Published in association with The Open University)

By Mason, John, Graham, Alan, Johnston-Wilder, Sue