books by subject
Children's Books on Cars

Tractors (Chunky Jigsaws) (Usborne Chunky Jigsaws)

Let's Spin: Cars: 1

Cars (Sticker Spot it S.)

I-Spy History (Michelin I-Spy Guides)

Trucks And Trailers (Picture Puffin S.)

A. to Z. of Cars

i-SPY London: What can you spot? (Collins Michelin i-SPY Guides)

Machines Close-up: Modern Warships and Submarines

Steam Locomotives of the World

I-SPY Edinburgh (Michelin i-SPY Guides)

Noisy Things That Go (My First Touch and Feel Sound Book)

Aircraft (How it Works)

Motorsports Star (Celeb)

Wings: Pop-up Book of Flight

I-Spy At the Seaside (Michelin I-Spy Guides)

Story Of Ship (Pointers)

Things on Wheels (Usborne Explainers)

Road Safety Exercises (Ready for School: Traffic S.)

Look Inside Things That Go (Usborne Look Inside)

I-Spy on a Ferry (Michelin I-Spy S.)

I-Spy Flags (Michelin I-Spy Guides)

Submarines (Machines On the Move)

Farm Machines (Mechanic Mike's Machines)

On the Go (Around the World Series)

PAST & PRESENT PLANES (Travelling Through Time)

Speed Boats (Now That's Fast)

See Inside Trains (Usborne See Inside)

Transport (Project Geography)

i-SPY In the Street: What can you spot? (Collins Michelin i-SPY Guides)