books by subject
Children's Books on Composition & Creative Writing

Oxford Literacy Web: Poetry: Stages 1-5: I'm Riding on a Giant: Make-believe Poems

Talking Voices: Repetition, Dialogue and Imagery in Conversational Discourse


The Junk Robot (Cambridge Reading)

Brain Academy: Think Tank Mission File 2

Brain Academy: Think Tank Mission File 3

Comprehension: Year 3 (New Scholastic Literacy Skills)

Focus on Comprehension - Comprehension Book 2: Bk. 2 (Collins Primary Focus)

An Alphabet in Art (I Spy)

Oxford Reading Tree: Level 5A: Floppy's Phonics Non-Fiction: Family Festivals (Floppy's Phonics - New Edition 2011)

Spelling Photocopiable Skills Activities Ages 8-9

Bond SATs Skills: Reading Comprehension Workbook 10-11 Years

The Crocodile's Sky Snack (Cambridge Reading)

The Shy Dragon and the White Knight (Cambridge Reading)

Write Away: A Handbook for Young Writers and Learners

Oxford Literacy Web: Poetry Stages 1-5

Oxford Literacy Web: Poetry: Stages 1-5: This is the Mum: Family Poems

Daily Learning Drills, Grade 3

The Blob Can Blink!

Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Floppy's Phonics Non-Fiction: A Cool Summer (Floppy's Phonics - New Edition 2011)

Creative Writing: Bk.2

Developing Literacy: Year 1 Word Level Word-level Activities for the Literacy Hour

The Wind and the Sun (Cambridge Reading)

Billy Bear and the Pear Tree Fairy

The Magic Porridge Pot (Cambridge Reading)

A Star in a Marmalade Jar (Cambridge Reading)

Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Floppy's Phonics Non-Fiction: Barn Owls (Floppy's Phonics - New Edition 2011)

Oxford Reading Tree: Level 3: Floppy's Phonics Non-Fiction: Men on the Moon

Comprehension: Bk. 1