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Children's Books on Customs

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Spotlight on Mexico (Spotlight on My Country)

By Bobbie Kalman, Niki Walker

Countries in Our World: Germany

By Burgan, Michael

Been There: Brazil

By Savery, Annabel

In The Thirties (Growing Up)

By Walker Author, Kathryn

A School Like Mine: A Celebration of Schools Around the World

By Unicef

Roman Britain

By Hepplewhite, Peter

India (Been There)

By Savery, Annabel

Gods and Gladiators: Everyday Life at the Dawn of Civilization

By Philip Steele, Richard Tames

DK Readers L3: Greek Myths (DK Readers Level 3)

By Lock, Deborah

Brazil (Been There)

By Savery, Annabel

The Fantastic Flatulent Fart Brothers' Big Book of Farty Facts: An Illustrated Guide to the Science, History, and Art of Farting (Humorous reference ... Fantastic Flatulent Fart Brothers’ Fun Facts...

By Whalen, M.D.

Global Babies: 1

By Global Fund for Children

How People Lived


This is New York (This Is . . .)

By Miroslav Sasek

Slave Young, Slave Long: The American Slave Experience (People's History)

By Greene, Meg

The Vikings (Starting History)

By Hewitt, Sally

Hats, Hats, Hats (Big Books Series)

By Morris, Ann

British Museum: Around the World Colouring Book: With 16 Incredible Civilisations and over 70 Stickers!

By Thomas Flintham

United Kingdom

By Atkinson, Tim

Christmas Is...

By Gibbons, Gail

India, the Culture (Lands, Peoples & Cultures)

By Kalman, Bobbie

Hail! Ancient Romans: 4 (Hail! History)

By Steele, Philip

Life of the Ancient Celts (Peoples of the Ancient World)

By Richardson, Hazel

Discover American Indian Ways: A Carnegie Activity Book (Carnegie Museum Discovery Series)

By Soeder, Pamela, Powless, WILLIAM, Bill, Fries, Linda Witt

Shanyi Goes to China (Children Return to their Roots)

By So, Sungwan

The Timetraveller's Guide to Medieval London (Timetraveller's Guide)

By Christine Kidney

Celebrating (Small World S.)

By Gwenyth Swain, Mangat Rai

The Timetraveller's Guide to Tudor London

By Natasha Narayan

Loving (Around the World Series)

By Morris, A.

The Timetraveller's Guide to Shakespeare's London

By Joshua Doder