books by subject
Children's Books on Drama & Theatre

William Heads to Hollywood

Let'S Celebrate Summer

Don't Forget: Mothers Day Hardback

Tolles Theatre: German for Role-Playing Situations

Creative Crafts: Puppets

Easy Ways to Seasonal Plays: Three complete plays with photocopy permission

Peter's Revenge: A Peter Pan Adventure Game

Collins Drama – The Granny Project: Explore themes of ageism, family roles and parenting in this funny drama by award-winning writer Anne Fine

Tales from Shakespeare: The Tempest

Tales From Shakespeare: Macbeth

Battle of the Bands (Fame School)

Puppets (Young Explorer: How Do They Work?)

You Can Work in the Arts: You Can Work in Theatre

Plays on the Word

Ballet Stories (Red Hot Reads S.)

Drama Structures: A Practical Handbook for Teachers

Puppets (Creative Crafts)

Islamic Festivals (Celebrate!)

Dooby Dooby Moo

Ballet (Get Going! Hobbies)

Leonardo: A Scrapbook in Words and Pictures

Oxford School Shakespeare: Hamlet

Lightning Plays Year 5: He's Behind You (LIGHTNING -FICTION)

Skiing and Snow Sports (Adventure Sports)

Second Thinks (Puffin Books)

Dramascript (Dramascripts)

Start Reading: My Sports Club: Dance

Tiger in a Tutu