books by subject
Children's Books on Drama & Theatre

The Marvels

New Baby


Worm Looks for Lunch: A playscript about Worm’s adventure on his search for lunch. (Collins Big Cat)

The Essential Easter Book

The Kingfisher Pop-up Theatre: Cinderella

Hercules: Superhero: A witty playscript of the classic Greek myth by leading children's author Diane Redmond. (Collins Big Cat): Band 11/Lime

A. to Z. Activity Book of Indoor Fun

Famous Five and You: No. 1: Search for Treasure

The Famous Five and You: No. 4: Search for Smugglers

Famous Five and You: No. 2: Find Adventure!

The Dance in the Dark: Book 3 (Scarlet and Ivy)

Usborne Guide to Ballet (Usborne Dance Guides)

The Dancing Bear (Young Lion Storybook S)

Action! Making Movies

Where Things are (Questions & Answers S.)

Fantastic Mr Fox: Plays for Children

Conkers - Hari and His Electric Feet

Speech Rhymes


The Nutcracker: The Magic of the Ballet

KS3 English Shakespeare Text Guide - Twelfth Night (CGP KS3 English)

The Boy Who Fell into a Book

The Sun and the Great North Wind

Dance of Shiva

The Lizzie and Belle Mysteries: Drama and Danger: New for 2022, a mystery-filled detective story for children, perfect for fans of Robin Stevens!: Book 1

Tudor Tales - A Collection of Plays (Lightning)

Making the Grade (Somersaults and Dreams)

The Gingerbread Boy: Story Play (Story Plays)