books by subject
Children's Books on Emotions & Feelings

The Day We Met The Queen: World Book Day 2020

The Robot Who Couldn't Cry

An Elephant in the Garden

Diary of a Tween: Not Just Another BFF Story

Healthy Habits: Dog's Guide to Helping Others

The Emotion Ocean: Whale Feels Worried

The Emotion Ocean: Jellyfish Feels Jealous

The Emotion Ocean: Shark Feels Shy

The Fire Eaters

Judy Moody: The Doctor Is In!

Brill Kid - The Big Number 2: Awesomeness - The Next Level

Goliath: The Boy Who Was Different

The Finding of Freddie Perkins

The Invisible Girl

The Pocket Chaotic

Augustus and His Smile

Kind Mr Bear: A story about gratitude and appreciation

Guess How Much I Love You

The Saddest King

Disney Pixar Inside Out Book of the Film: Includes 8 pages of joyful photos!

The Whispers of Wilderwood Hall

Life According to... Alice B. Lovely

The Light in Everything: Shortlisted for the Yoto Carnegie Medal 2023

A Dog Called Homeless

Bumble and Snug and the Angry Pirates: Book 1

The Heart and the Bottle

Mr. Funny (Mr. Men Classic Library)

Trust Me, I'm A Troublemaker

No Matter What