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Children's Books on History

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History for the IB Diploma: Interwar Years: Conflict and Cooperation 1919–39

By Todd, Allan, Bottaro, Jean, Waller, Sally

Castles (Little Library)

By Maynard, Christopher


By Royston, Angela, Pollard, Michael

Land Exploration (Discoverers S.)

By Place, Francois, Denman, D.

Real Lives, Real Times (New Windmills KS3)

By Hales, Ms Sheila

Exploration and Empire, 1450-1760 (Historical Atlas S.)

By Adams, Simon, Fleury, E., Porter, M.

Clothes (History From Objects)

By Bryant-Mole

Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Famous People Story Books S.)

The Life Of Florence Nightingale (Beginning History)

By Liz Gogerly, Gogerly, Liz

My Best Book of Knights and Castles

By Murrell, Deborah

Mahatma Gandhi: The Man Who Freed India and Led the World in Nonviolent Change (People Who Have Helped the World S.)

By Nicholson, Mike

Matters of Life and Death: 4 (Issues for the Nineties S.)

By Donnellan, Craig

Living in History: A Tudor School (Cased)

By Chrisp, Peter

History Topic Books: Life in Tudor Times: The Poor in Tudor England (Paperback)

By Shuter, Jane

Captain Firebeard's School for Pirates: The Sneaky Sweet Stealer: 2

By Strathie, Chae

Heinemann Profiles: Mother Teresa Paperback

By Middleton, Haydn

Life in Victorian Britain: A Photocopiable Resource (Investigating History)

By Goodman, Fiona, Kent, Peter

Inside the British Museum

By Richardson, Joy

Rooms Through The Ages: Kitchens Through The Ages

By Tames, Richard, Wood

The Post: 2 (Stepping Through History)

By Burns, Peggy

Grace Darling (Famous people story books)

By Moorcroft, Christine, Magnusson, Magnus

The Really Practical Guide to Primary History

By Wright, Margaret

Berlin Olympics (My Story)

By Cross, Vince

History and Geography (Pt. 2) (Practical Topics for the Primary School)

By Bell, P.

The Way the Universe Works

By DK, Parsons, Jayne

All About Politics: How Governments Make the World Go Round (Big Questions)

By DK, Marr, Andrew

Ancient Greece: Using Evidence

By Bradley, Pamela

Not for Parents How to be a Dinosaur Hunter (Lonely Planet Children's Publishing): Everything You Ever Wanted to Know (Lonely Planet Kids)

By Lonely Planet

The Usborne Internet-linked Encyclopedia of the Ancient World (Internet-linked S.)

By Bingham, Jane M.

History Pack 1 - People in History (Level 1) (Sunshine history)

By Reynoldson, Fiona, Shuter, Jane