books by subject
Children's Books on School

The White Tower

Tom Gates: DogZombies Rule (For now...)

Tom Gates: Tom Gates:Yes! No. (Maybe...)

Tom Gates: Extra Special Treats (not)

Tom Gates: A Tiny Bit Lucky

Tom Gates is Absolutely Fantastic (at some things)

Tom Gates: Top of the Class (Nearly)

Tom Gates: Family, Friends and Furry Creatures

The School Mouse (Young Puffin Story Books)

Boy Trouble at Trebizon: Book 4 (Puffin Books)

Last Term at Malory Towers

Don't Tell the Teacher

Teachers Secret's:1 Miss Butterpat Goes Wild

School at the Chalet (The Chalet School)

This is the Register (Cambridge Reading)

Frankly, Ruby, I Don't Give a Damn: Book 2 (Cordelia Codd)

Speccy Four Eyes (Red Fox younger fiction)

Jennings' Diary: No. 16

According To Jennings

Playing with Fire (Snappers)

Justin And The Big Fight

Happy Birthday Spider McDrew

Jimmy Zest

Disney "High School Musical" 2 (Disney Book of the Film)

The Best School Year Ever : The Worst Kids in the World

Unicorn School: The Treasure Hunt

Genie in Training (Genie Academy)

May Produce Gas: Book 3 (The World of Norm)

The Wolf Cupboard (Wired Up Connect)