books by subject
Children's Early Learning Books on Numbers & Counting

If You Give a Moose a Muffin

The Hershey's Kisses Subtraction Book

Knick-Knack Paddywhack!: a Mov

Count with Maisy, Cheep, Cheep, Cheep!

First Numbers Book

Spot A Lot Animal Escape: And Count a Little, Too!

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (Dr. Seuss Board Books)

Bedtime Tales

Money Madness

Fractions in Disguise: A Math Adventure (Charlesbridge Math Adventures) (Charlesbridge Math Adventures (Paperback))

DK Toddler Story Book: Silly Goose Daft Duck

Wipe-clean Dot-to-dot Dinosaurs

Thomas Lift-the-flap Counting Book

Sparkly Numbers

My Oxford ABC and 123 Picture Rhyme Book

Shouting Sharon

Connect the Dots (Little Skill Seekers)

Little Croc's Purse

Counting Up to Ten

Number Fun: Foundations for Phonics (Big Cat Phonics for Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised)

Bob's 123: (and 4 to 10 Too!)

Five Little Ducks

Moomin's Little Book of Numbers

G is for One Gzonk

National Trust: 123, A walk in the countryside

Un Deux Trois (Dual Language French/English)

The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Touch and Feel Playbook

Number at Key Stage 2: Core Materials for Teaching and Assessing Number and Algebra (Beam)

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