books by subject
Children's Mythology Books

Sun, Moon and Stars

Ancient Greeks (Usborne Beginners) (Beginners Series)

Midas Touch

Egyptians (Usborne Beginners) (Beginners Series)

Handbook to Bigfoot, Nessie, and Other Legendary Creatures

Fly, Eagle, Fly: An African Tale

You're Amazing Mr Jupiter

A Calendar of Festivals

The Secret World of Magic

Best-Loved Irish Legends

Field Guide to Fantastic Creatures: The ultimate monster encyclopedia

Gods and Goddesses

DK Readers L3: Beastly Tales: Yeti, Bigfoot, and the Loch Ness Monster

Irish Fairy Tales

Traditional Tales India

The Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle

The Trojan Horse: How the Greeks Won the War

Fairy! (Imagine You're a...) (Imagine You're a... S.)

The Hero Twins: Against the Lords of Death [A Mayan Myth]

To the Stars by Canoe: A Mayan parable for children

No Lie, I Acted Like a Beast!: The Story of Beauty and the Beast as Told by the Beast

Under the Canopy: Trees around the World


You Never Know: A Legend of the Lamed-Vavniks

Osnat and Her Dove: The True Story of the World's First Female Rabbi

Little Firefly: An Algonquian Legend

How Two-feather Was Saved from Loneliness

Celtic Fairy Tales

Imaginary Creatures: QED Readers: Write on