books by subject
Children's Nonfiction on Disabilities

Freak The Mighty (NEW LONGMAN LITERATURE 11-14)


Epilepsy: The Detective's Story

Smart: A mysterious crime, a different detective

Take Off: Space Observer Sun paperback

Take-Off! Space Observer: Space Travel

Take-Off: Really Wild Crocodile Paperback

Livewire Real Lives: Franklin D Roosevelt

Shakespeare (Livewire Real Lives) (ESOL / ELT)

Livewire Real Lives: Stalin

Livewire Real Lives: Florence Nightingale

Livewire Real Lives: Anne Frank

The Boy Who Drank Merlin's Magic Tea (First Base S.)

Tobin Learns to Make Friends

Livewire Sci Fi: A Visit from the Aliens

Spirals - Dreams

Maggot (Spirals)

Punchlines (Spirals)

Computer Killer (Spirals)

When I Count to Three (Spirals)

Hanging by a Fred (Spirals)

Footprints in the Sand (Spirals)

Classis Spirals - New Titles Pack (12): The Ring

Death Comes to the Circus (Spirals)

The Witch Princess (Spirals)

SPIRALS TOP TEN PACK: Summer of the Werewolf

I Can't Hear Like You (Talking it Through) (Talking it Through S.)

What Does it Mean to Be? Deaf Hardback

John, the Mouse Who Learned to Read (Picture Puffin S.)