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Chiropody & Podiatry

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Text Atlas of Pathology of the Foot

By Annoni, Frederico, Caputo, Ruggero, Veraldi, Stefano

Orthopeadic Knowledge Update: Foot and Ankle

By American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), Mizel, Mark S.

Surgery of the Foot and Ankle

By Coughlin MD, Michael J., Mann MD, Roger A., Michael J. Coughlin, Roger A. Mann

Assessment of the Lower Limb

By Linda M. Merriman, Linda Merriman, Warren Turner

50 Foot Challenges: Assessment and Management

By Thomson PhD FCPod(S) Dr., Colin, Gibson MD FRCS(orth), J. N. Alastair

Text Atlas of Podiatric Dermatology

By Dawber, Rodney, Bristow, Ivan, Turner, Warren

Clinical Gait Analysis: Theory and Practice

By Kirtley MBChB PhD, Christopher

Neale's Disorders of the Foot: Diagnosis and Management

By French MChS DPodM, Gwen J., O'Donnell BSc(Hons) FChS FPodMed DPod M Dip Ed, Maureen, Burrow DPodM BA AdvDipEd FChS MPhil FCPodMed MSc CMIOSH FHEA, J. Gordon, Lorimer B Ed (Hons) MChS FCPodMed DPod M, Donald L.

Common Foot Problems in Primary Care

By Birrer MD FAAFP FACP, Richard B., Della Corte DPM FACFS FACFAOM, Michael P., Grisafi DPM FACFS, Patrick J.

Clinical Skills in Treating the Foot

By David R. Tollafield, Merriman MPhil DPodM MCHS Cert, Linda M.

Foot and Ankle Pain (Pain Series)

By Cailliet, Ren'e

Foot and Ankle Secrets

By Harkless DPM, Lawrence B.

Common Foot Problems

By Harkless DPM, Lawrence B.

Older Yet Faster: The secret to running fast and injury free

By Keith Roland Bateman, Heidi Jones

Whittle's Gait Analysis

By Jim Richards, BEng, MSc, PhD (Professor of Biomechanics, Department of Allied Health Professions, Faculty of Health, University of Central Lancashire, UK), David Levine, pt, PhD, DABPTS (Orthopaedics), CCRP (Cline Chair of Excellence in Physical Therap...

Understanding the Human Foot: An Illustrated Guide to Form and Function for Practitioners

By James Earls

The Manufacture and Use of the Functional Foot Orthosis

By R.J. Anthony

Neale's Disorders of the Foot

By Donald L. Lorimer, Gwen J. French, Maureen O'Donnell, BSc(Hons), FChS, FPodMed, DPod M, Dip Ed, J. Gordon Burrow, DPodM, Ba, AdvDipEd, MPhil, FCPodMed, MSc, CMIOSH, FHEA, Barbara Wall

The Layman's Guide to Foot and Heel Pain: A Guide to the Unbreakable Laws of Curing Foot and Heel Pain

By Les Bailey

Cyriax's Illustrated Manual of Orthopaedic Medicine

By James H. Cyriax, P. J. Cyriax

Merriman's Assessment of the Lower Limb: PAPERBACK REPRINT, 3e

By Yates MSc BSc(Hons) FCPod(S) DPodM, Ben

Common Foot Disorders: Diagnosis and Management

By Neale, Donald, etc., Adams, Isobel M.

The Functional Foot Orthosis

By Philps, J.W.

Transforming Practice Through Clinical Education, Professional Supervision and Mentoring

By Rose, Dr. Miranda

The Foot: Examination & Diagnosis: Examination and Diagnosis

By Alexander MD FRCS(C), Ian J.

Illustrated Dictionary of Podiatry and Foot Science

By Mooney, Jean

The Foot in Diabetes

By Boulton, Andrew, Connor, Henry, Cavanagh, Peter

Pharmacology for Podiatrists

By Morgan, Rae

Foot Function: A Programmed Text

By Seibel, Michael O.

Lower Limb Anatomy, Palpation & Surface Markings, 1e

By Field Grad Dip Phys FCSP DipTP SRP, Derek, Hutchinson MA(Ed) MCSP SRP Cert Ed Dip TP Dip Rehab Counselling, Jane Owen