books by subject
Christian Church Administration

A Healing Homiletic: Preaching and Disability

Breaking New Ground - Church Planting in the Church of England

Feasting on the Word: Year B, Vol. 1: Advent through Transfiguration: Year B, Volume 1: Advent Through Transfiguration

Love Your Church: 8 Great Things About Being a Church Member (Discipleship resource for Christians on belonging, welcoming, gathering, caring, serving, witnessing, and mission)

Priorities for the Church: Rediscovering Leadership and Vision in the Church

Banners for Worship (Concordia Banner Craft)

Leading in Prayer: A Workbook for Worship

Unashamed Workmen: How Expositors Prepare and Preach

Work of the Pastor

Celtic Liturgy

The Good Parish Management Guide (Serving the Church)

Small Christian Communities: A Pastoral Companion

Partnership: Women and Men in Ministry

Empowering Ministry: Ways to Grow in Effectiveness

Buildings for Mission: A complete guide to the care, conservation and development of churches

Church That Works

Emotional Healing in 3 Easy Steps (The Kingdom of God Made Simple)

The Christian Handbook For Pastors (Facets)

On Priesthood: Servants, Shepherds, Messengers, Sentinels and Stewards

New Ideas for Creative Prayer: 101 Ideas for Praying with 3-11 Year Olds

When Faith is Tested (Creative Pastoral Care and Counseling): Pastoral Responses to Suffering and Tragic Death (Creative Pastoral Care & Counseling S.)

More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks (Youth Specialties) (Youth Specialties S)

The Christian Life Hymnal

How Do Churches Grow?

Faith and the Future of the Countryside: Pastoral and theological perspectives on rural sustainability

A Manual for Priests of the American Church: Complimentary to the Occasional Offices of the Book of Common Prayer

Building up the Body: Encouraging, equipping and enabling volunteers in the church

By Their Fruits

The Jewish Bible After the Holocaust: A Re-Reading