books by subject
Christian Living

God and Globalization: v. 4: Globalization and Grace

Living with Contradiction: Benedictine Wisdom for Everyday Living (Rhythm of Life)

The Debt Doctor: A Handbook for Getting Out of Debt and Staying Debt-free

The Radiance of His Glory: Prayers for the Church - Years a, B and C

A Week in the Life of God: If God Kept a Diary

Seeing the World and Knowing God: Hebrew Wisdom and Christian Doctrine in a Late-Modern Context

Dinner with a Perfect Stranger: An Invitation Worth Considering

Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life : Scriptures and Reflections from the 40 Days of Purpose (Purpose Driven Life)

Christianity 9 to 5: Living Your Faith at Work

Living Well: Finding a 'Rule of Life' to Revitalise and Sustain Us

Christian Spirituality (SCM Core Text)

Hallelujah What a Saviour!: 52 reflections from the Old and New Testament on Jesus the Saviour

Experiencing the Spirit: The Power of Pentecost Every Day

40 Days With The Holy Spirit

The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering our Hidden Life in God

The Way of the Master Basic Training Course

Everybody's Normal Till You Get to Know Them

The Joy of God: Collected Writings

Growing in Gratitude: Rediscovering the Joy of a Thankful Heart

Eternity in Their Hearts

The Madness of Grief: A Memoir of Love and Loss

100 Names of God Daily Devotional

Encountering the God Who Heals: Understanding,Encountering and Ministering the Presence of Jesus

Psalms Redux: Poems and prayers

Taking Care of Business (Study Guide): Finding God at Work

What Americans Really Believe

Social Agenda Of The Catholic Church

The Religious Tradesman

Job and the Mystery of Suffering