books by subject
Christian Theology
Fresh!: An introduction to Fresh Expressions of Church and Pioneer Ministry
Why Sacraments?
Reimagining Ministry
Teach Yourself Christianity (TY Religion)
Trusting God
Finally Alive: What Happens When We Are Born Again?
Varieties of Unbelief: 9
Great Christian Thinkers - A Starter Kit
Agenda for the Third Millennium
You Can be Healed: God Still Heals Today
The Living Words of the Bible
The Courage to Pray
Conversations with God
Daring Trusting Spirit: Bonhoeffer's Friend Eberhard Bethge
Hans Kueng: Breaking Through
Dialogue with Hans Kung
The Church Maintained in Truth: A Theological Meditation
I Remember: An Autobiographical Interview with Meinhold Krauss
The Old Creed and the New
The Religion of the Incarnation: Anglican Studies Commemorating "Lux Mundi"
The Remaking of Christian Doctrine
Believing Three Ways in One God: Reading of the Apostles' Creed
The History of Christian Thought
On Consulting the Faithful on Matters of Doctrine (Collins Flame classics)
Nietzsche Against the Crucified
Religious Experience and Christian Faith
The Universe Book of Saints
Does God Exist?
Clouded Witness: Initiation in the Church of England in the Mid-Victorian Period, 1850-1875 (Pittsburgh Theological Monographs-New)