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Philosophy of Religion for A Level

By Anne Jordan, Neil Lockyer, Edwin Tate, Jordan, Anne, Lockyer, Neil, Tate, Edwin

Foundations in RE: Christianity

By Ina Taylor, Taylor, Ina

Directions Pupils' Book 1: Student's Book 1

By Ina Taylor, Taylor, Ina

The Devil: A Biography

By Peter Stanford

Moses in the Bullrushes (Bible Stories)

By Mary Auld

Christian Festivals Cookbook (Festival Cookbooks)

By Saviour Pirotta

Harvest (We Love Festivals)

By Honor Head

At Home With: The Aztecs

By Tim Cooke


By Paul Johnson

The Xmas Files. The Philosophy of Christmas

By Stephen Law, Law, Stephen

Ordinary Theology: Looking, Listening and Learning in Theology (Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology)

By Jeff Astley

Religion in Higher Education: The Politics of the Multi-Faith Campus (Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies)

By Sophie Gilliat-Ray

Theological Reflection and Education for Ministry: The Search for Integration in Theology (Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology)

By John E. Paver

Psalms Now: Third Version

By Leslie F Brandt, Leslie F. Brandt

Mirth of Nations

Understanding The Bible

By Stephen Harris, Harris, Stephen

Exposing Harry Potter and Witchcraft: The Menace Beneath the Magic

By Steve Wohlberg

Seven Big Things That Make Life Work: Principles for Successful Living

By Phil Pringle

Born to Create: Stepping Into Your Supernatural Destiny

By Theresa Dedmon

Startling Beauty: My Journey from Rape to Restoration

By Heather Gemmen, Gemmen, Heather

Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse

By David Jeremiah

Lord, I Want to Be Whole

By Stormie Omartian, Omartian, Stormie

A New Beginning for Pastors and Congregations: Building an Excellent Match Upon Your Shared Strengths (A Jossey Bass Title)

By Kennon L. Callahan, Callahan, Kennon

Empathy and Confrontation in Pastoral Care

By Ralph L. Underwood

Pastoral Diagnosis

By Nancy J. Ramsay

Listening for the Soul: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Direction (Integrating Spirituality Into Pastoral Counseling)

By Jean Stairs

A Primer in Pastoral Care (Creative Pastoral Care & Counseling S.)

By Jeanne Stevenson Moessner

New Proclamation: Advent - Holy Week Series C 2000-2001

By Richard S. Ascough, Renita J. Weems, John Stendahl, Samuel E. Balentine

New Proclamation: Advent/Holy Week Year A, 2001 (New Proclamation Series)

By Francis J. Maloney

New Proclamation: Easter through Pentecost: 2003

By Ben Witherington III, L. William Countryman, Gail Ramshaw