books by subject
Cinematography Production & Technology

Digital Film-Making

The Complete Guide to Film and Digital Production: The People and The Process

The New Soundtrack: Volume 7, Issue 2

Indefinite Visions: Cinema and the Attractions of Uncertainty (Edinburgh Companions to Literature)

Indefinite Visions: Cinema and the Attractions of Uncertainty (Edinburgh Studies in Film) (Edinburgh Studies in Film and Intermediality)

Who's in the Money?: The Great Depression Musicals and Hollywood s New Deal (Traditions in American Cinema)

Hollywood and the Great Depression: American Film, Politics and Society in the 1930s

Claude Chabrol's Aesthetics of Opacity (Critical Connections)

Screen Presence: Cinema Culture and the Art of Warhol, Rauschenberg, Hatoum and Gordon (Edinburgh Studies in Film and Intermediality Eup)

Talkies, Road Movies and Chick Flicks: Gender, Genre and Film Sound in American Cinema (ReFocus)

In Secrecy's Shadow: The OSS and CIA in Hollywood Cinema 1941-1979 (Traditions in American Cinema)

Orson Welles: A Biography

Creating the Worlds of Star Wars: 365 Days

Movie Mistakes: Take 3

The Digital Filmmaking Handbook: The Definitive Guide to Digital Filmmaking

Cue & Cut: A Practical Approach to Working in Multi-camera Studios

Renoir (Colour Plate Books)

Master Shots Vol 1, 2nd Edition: 100 Advanced Camera Techniques to Get an Expensive Look on Your Low-Budget Movie

The English Constitution (Oxford World's Classics)

Short Films: Writing the Screenplay (Creative Essentials)

How to Make Your Own Video or Short Film: All you need to know to make your ideas shine

Digital Filmmaking 101: An Essential Guide to Producing Low Budget Movies

Digital Domain: The Leading Edge of Visual Effects

Sex and the City 2: The Official Companion Book: The Stories. The Fashion. The Adventure

Jaws in Space : Powerful Pitching for Film & TV Screenwriters: Powerful Pitching for Film and TV Screenwriters (Creative Essentials)

Mungo: Living the Dream - More Extreme Adventures of a TV Cameraman

How to Shoot an Amateur Naturalist

Rescue Me: The incredible true story of the abandoned Mastiff who became Fang in the Harry Potter movies

Will You Take Me Home?: The brave rescue dog from the puppy farm who became a movie star