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Civil Engineering

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Fine Woodworking Techniques: Book 8

By editors of Fine Woodworking Magazine

Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Marine Technology, ODRA 97, Held May 1997 in Szczecin, Poland: 2 (Marine Technology II)

By Graczyk, T., Jastrzebski, BREBBIA, C. A.

Practical Ship Design (Elsevier Ocean Engineering): Volume 1 (Elsevier Ocean Engineering Series)

By Watson, D.G.M.

Plumbing: Mechanical Services Book Two

By Blower, Gordon

Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers And Sediment Transport: 4 (Advanced Series On Ocean Engineering)

By Nielsen, P

Breakthrough: Channel Tunnel Story (Century editions/Eurotunnel)

By Wilson, Derek

Integrated Reservoir Studies

By Consentino, Luca

Finite Element Implementation

By Cheung, Y. K., Lo, S. H., Leung, A. Y. T.

Thomas Telford

By L T C Rolt

Battle for the North: The Tay and Forth Bridges and the 19th-Century Railway Wars

By Charles McKean

Investigation and Management of Soft Rock Cliffs

By Lee, E. Mark, Clark, A R

Electronic Logic Circuits

By Gibson, J.

Morphodynamics of Mediterranean Mixed Sand and Gravel Coasts (SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences)

By Ortega-Sánchez, Miguel, Bergillos, Rafael J., López-Ruiz, Alejandro, Losada, Miguel A.

Geochemistry of Clay-Pore Fluid Interactions: 4 (The Mineralogical Society Series, 4)

By Manning, D.A.C., Hall, P.L., Hughes, C.R.

Regionalization of Watersheds: An Approach Based on Cluster Analysis: 58 (Water Science and Technology Library, 58)

By Rao, A.R., Srinivas, V. V.

Drilling Engineering Handbook

By Austin, E.H.

Microearthquake Seismology and Seismotectonics of South Asia

By Kayal, J.R.

The Encyclopedia of Applied Geology: 13 (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

By Finkl, Charles W.

Buildings and Classical Groups

By Garrett, Paul B.

Outdoor Lighting: Physics, Vision and Perception

By Schreuder, Duco

Chemistry and Technology of Thermosetting Polymers in Construction Applications

By Irfan, M.H.

Satellite Geology and Photogeomorphology: An Instructional Manual for Data Integration

By Lambert A. Rivard

Hydrogeodynamics of Oil and Gas Basins

By Djunin, V.I., Korzun, A. V.

Encyclopedia of Geochemistry (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

By Marshall, C.P., Fairbridge, Rhodes W.

Numerical Analysis and Modelling of Composite Materials

By Bull, J.W.

Introduction to Optimization Analysis in Hydrosystem Engineering: 25 (Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality, 25)

By Goodarzi, Ehsan, Ziaei, Mina, Hosseinipour, Edward Zia

Optimization and Control Methods in Industrial Engineering and Construction: 72 (Intelligent Systems, Control and Automation: Science and Engineering, 72)

By Xu, Honglei, Wang, Xiangyu

Application of Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis to Construction Materials: State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM Technical Committee 194-TDP: 5 (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, 5)

By Ohama, Yoshihiko, Van Gemert, Dionys

Carpentry and Joinery for Advanced Craft Students: Site Practice

By Brett, Peter

Ocean Wave Energy: Current Status and Future Prespectives (Green Energy and Technology)

By Cruz, Joao