books by subject
Civil Engineering Mechanics

Supercomputing in Fluid Flow (International Series on Computational Engineering)

Marine Hydrodynamics (The MIT Press)

Dynamics (Mechanics for Engineers)

Soil Mechanics

Incompressible Aerodynamics: An Account of the Theory and Observations of the Steady Flow of Incompressible Fluid Past Aerofoils, Wings and Other Bodies

Viscous Flow

Viscous Fluid Flow

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics: 2nd edition

Low-speed Aerodynamics

The Dynamics of Ships

Flow-Induced Vibrations: An Engineering Guide (Dover Civil and Mechanical Engineering)

Telecommunications (Bath Advanced Science)

PIC: Your Personal Introductory Course

Concepts in Thermal Physics

Citroen 2 Cylinder, 2CV Ami and Dyane 1967-90 Owner's Workshop Manual (Service & repair manuals)

Graphical Communications: Bk. 1

Mechanisms (GCSE Technology)

Kent Windmills & Watermills

Atoms Under the Floorboards: The Surprising Science Hidden in Your Home

Foundation Science for Engineers

Elements of Soil Mechanics

Foundation Design and Construction

The Religion of Technology: The Divinity of Man And the Spirit of Invention

Polymers: 85 (Oxford Chemistry Primers)

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics

Statics (SI edition)

Dynamics (SI edition)

Introduction to Engineering Materials

Basic Engineering Thermodynamics