books by subject
Clairvoyance & Precognition

Mind to Mind: The Secrets of Your Mind Energy Revealed

The Complete Prophecies (Panther Books)

Final Prophecies Of Nostradamus

Secrets of Nostradamus: Medieval Code of the Master Revealed in the Age of Computer Science

The Complete Prophecies of Nostradmus

The Little Book of Nostradamus: Prophecies for the 21st Century

Nostradamus and the Millennium

Life On The Other Side: A psychic's tour of the afterlife

A Mind of Your Own

Writings Of Nostradamus

The Complete Prophecies (Wordsworth Reference)

Millennium Prophecies: Predictions for the Year 2000

The Mayan Prophecies: Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilisation

Your Psychic Potential: The only introduction you’ll ever need (Principles of)

Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness: An Exploration of Remote Viewing, ESP, Precognitive Dreaming and Synchronicity


The Mayan Prophecies: Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilization

Nostradamus: Prophecies for the New Millenium

Meditations with James Van Praagh