books by subject
Classical Greek & Roman Archaeology

Roman Syria


Fifty Key Jewish Thinkers

The Early Greek Concept of the Soul (Mythos): 36 (Mythos: The Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology)

The Oxford History of the Classical World: Greece and the Hellenistic World: v. 1

A Handbook of Roman Art: A Survey of the Visual Arts of the Roman World: 0000

The Ending of Roman Britain

Roman Housing

Under Another Sky: Journeys in Roman Britain

The Landscape of Roman Britain

Discovery of the Greek Bronze Age, The

Great Civilisations the Mycenaeans: 46 (Ladybird history series)

Hadrian's Wall: History & Guide: History and Guide

Southern England: An Archaeological Guide


In Search of the Phoenicians (Miriam Balmuth Lectures in Ancient History and Archaeology): 3 (Miriam S. Balmuth Lectures in Ancient History and Archaeology, 3)

Pompeii: The Life of a Roman Town

Roman Imperial Architecture 2e (The Yale University Press Pelican History of Art Series)

Roman Art 2e (The Yale University Press Pelican History of Art Series)

Libya: The Lost Cities of the Roman Empire

Who's Who In The Roman World :

Wonders of the Ancient World: Antiquity's Greatest Feats of Design and Engineering

The Oxford Classical Dictionary

The Acropolis (English language edition), Through its Museum

Lost Civilisations Of The Stone Age

The Knights of Rhodes - The Palace and the City

The Elgin Marbles (Introductory Guides)

Pompeii (Archaeological Guide S.)

The Celts: A History from Earliest Times to the Present (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Romanticism)