books by subject
Classical Music
You Can Teach Yourself Banjo (Mbgu)
Neglected Music: Repertoire Handbook for Orchestras and Choirs
Classical Music – The Era of Hadyn, Mozart, & Beethoven: The Era of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven: 0000 (Norton Introduction to Music History)
Shostakovich Symphonies and Concertos: An Owner's Manual (Unlocking the Masters)
J.S.Bach (Oxford Composer Companions)
Beethoven: Fidelio Partitura
A Celebration for Magnus
Classical Music without Fear: A Guide for General Audiences
Symphony No.40 in G Minor (Dover miniature scores) (Dover Miniature Scores: Orchestral)
The Music of Brahms (Companion to the Great Composers S.)
Coleridge's Writings: Volume 4: On Religion and Psychology
Soul Song: Reflections On An Unexpected Journey by The Priests
Lennon Legend: An Illustrated Life of John Lennon
The Pointe Book: Shoes Training and Technique
A Guide to the Concerto
Ambient Century: From Mahler to Moby - The Evolution of Sound in the Electronic Age
Complete Piano Player: Great Classical Themes (Complete Piano Player Series)
Album For The Young Opus 140 (Alfred Masterwork Edition)
Sing a Song of Nursery Rhymes: 1
Classical Snap! (Games)
Carnival, Hysteria and Writing: Collected Essays and Autobiography of Allon White
The Symphony Orchestra and Its Instruments
1791: Mozart's Last Year
Mozart and the Enlightenment: Truth, Virtue and Beauty in Mozart's Operas
Israel In Egypt
Twenty-Four Italian Songs and Arias of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: For Medium Low Voice (Schirmer's Library of Musical Classics): ... Volume 1723 Medium Low Voice Book Only
Solo Guitar Playing: II (Classical Guitar): Solo Guitar Playing Book 2
Classical Music: A Concise History - From Gluck to Beethoven (World of Art S.)