books by subject
Slow Church - Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus
Stale Bread?: A Handbook for Speaking the Story
An Hour on Sunday: Creating Moments of Transformation and Wonder
A Handbook for Churchwardens and Parochial Church Councillors: 1996
Cantuar: Archbishops in Their Office
Going Somewhere: People with Mental Handicaps and Their Pastoral Care (New Library of Pastoral Care)
Family Matters: The Pastoral Care of Personal Relationships (New Library of Pastoral Care)
Listen to the Voice within: Jungian Approach to Pastoral Care (New Library of Pastoral Care)
Anger, Sex, Doubt and Death
Being Your Age: Pastoral Care for Older People (New Library of Pastoral Care)
Crisis Counselling: Caring for People in Emotional Shock (New Library of Pastoral Care)
Faith Confirmed
Common Worship Lectionary: A Scripture Commentary (Year B) (Scripture Commentary (Year B) #Houlden, Leslie (Formerly Pro)
Rediscovering the Ministry of Blessing
The Heart of the Artist: A Character-Building Guide for You and Your Ministry Team
The Emerging Church: Vintage Christianity for New Generations (Emergent YS)
Courageous Leadership
INTELLIGENT CHURCH: A Journey Towards Christ-centred Community
Care in a Confused Climate: Pastoral Care and Postmodern Culture
The Volunteer Revolution: Unleashing the Power of Everybody
STICKY CHURCH (Leadership Network Innovation Series)
Counselling In The Pastoral And Spiritual Context (Counselling in Context)
A Healing Fellowship: Guide to Practical Counselling in the Local Church
Counselling in Context: Developing a Theological Framework (Handbooks of Pastoral Care)
All Age Events and Worship: An Introductory Guide and Resource
The Pastoral Encounter: Hidden Depths in Human Contact (Handbooks of Pastoral Care)
Theological Foundations for Ministry