books by subject
Comic Strips

Have it Your Way, Charlie Brown (Coronet Books)

Viz Annual 2022: The Copper's Torch: A casebook of dazzling flashes of brilliance from issues 282-291

Giles Cartoons 2000 - Fifty Third Series

Giles Cartoons: 44th Series

A Brief History of Superheroes (Brief Histories): From Superman to the Avengers, the Evolution of Comic Book Legends

A Child's First Book of Trump

It's All Absolutely Fine: Life is complicated, so I've drawn it instead

Matt for Dads (Daily Telegraph)

Giles's War: Cartoons 1939-45

All the Bestie

Giles The Collection 2021

Happy Families

St Trinian's: The Cartoons

The Best of Jeff and Maude (Odd Squad)

Garfield Just Good Friends (Garfield Pocket Books)

Spurs! The Comic Strip History

The Authoritative Calvin And Hobbes: The Calvin & Hobbes Series: Book Seven

Literary Life

Clare in the Community

The World According to Sempe

Sporting Supermen: The True Stories of Our Childhood Comic Heroes

"101 Uses of a Dead Cat", "101 More Uses of a Dead Cat", "Uses of a Dead Cat in History" (Complete Uses of a Dead Cat)

Viz: The Rusty Sheriff's Badge v. 14: The good, the not bad & the fugly of issues 82 to 87

No Intelligent Life Here (Odd Streak S.)

Stick to Drawing Comics, Monkey Brain!: Cartoonist Ignores Helpful Advice

Try it Again Charlie Brown (Coronet Books)

Don't Give Up, Charlie Brown (Coronet Books)

Your Choice Snoopy (Coronet Books)

Oor Wullie 2003 (Bi-Annual)