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Communication Studies

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Contemporary British Literature and Urban Space: After Thatcher

By K. Duff

Citing Shakespeare: The Reinterpretation of Race in Contemporary Literature and Art

By P. Erikson

Idleness, Indolence and Leisure in English Literature

By M. Fludernik, M. Nandi

The Literary Tourist

By N. Watson

The Reception of Derrida: Translation and Transformation

By M. Thomas

Dracula and the Eastern Question: British and French Vampire Narratives of the Nineteenth-Century Near East

By M. Gibson

Islam and Early Modern English Literature: The Politics of Romance from Spenser to Milton

By Benedict S. Robinson

Towards a Christian Literary Theory

By L. Ferretter

Combat Trauma and the Ancient Greeks

By P. Meineck, D. Konstan

Women Poets and Urban Aestheticism: Passengers of Modernity

By A. Vadillo

Fictions of Disease in Early Modern England: Bodies, Plagues and Politics

By M. Healy

Myths and Fairy Tales in Contemporary Women's Fiction: From Atwood to Morrison

By S. Wilson

Narratives of Class in New Irish and Scottish Literature: From Joyce to Kelman, Doyle, Galloway, and McNamee

By M. McGlynn

Race and Identity in Hemingway's Fiction

By A. Strong

A Theory of Freedom: Feminism and the Social Contract

By S. Welch

New Essays on the African American Novel: From Hurston and Ellison to Morrison and Whitehead

By L. King

The Latino/a Canon and the Emergence of Post-Sixties Literature

By R. Dalleo, E. Machado Saez

The Funk Era and Beyond: New Perspectives on Black Popular Culture

By T. Bolden

X-Rated!: The Power of Mythic Symbolism in Popular Culture

By Marcel Danesi

Gender and Power in Shrew-Taming Narratives, 1500-1700

By D. Wootton, G. Holderness

British Fiction and the Cold War

By A. Hammond

New World Orders in Contemporary Children's Literature: Utopian Transformations

By C. Bradford, K. Mallan, J. Stephens, R. McCallum

Queen Victoria and the Theatre of Her Age

By R. Schoch

Columbus, Shakespeare, and the Interpretation of the New World

By J. Hart

Social Constructionist Identity Politics and Literary Studies

By S. Gupta

William Cobbett, the Press and Rural England: Radicalism and the Fourth Estate, 1792-1835

By James Grande

A Counter-History of Crime Fiction: Supernatural, Gothic, Sensational

By Maurizio Ascari

Philip Larkin: Art and Self: Five Studies

By M. Rowe

The Book in Africa: Critical Debates

By C. Davis, D. Johnson

Publishing in the First World War: Essays in Book History

By M. Hammond, S. Towheed