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Communism & Marxism

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Considerations on Western Marxism

By Perry Anderson

State, Power, Socialism

By Nicos Poulantzas, Stuart Hall, Patrick Camiller

The Death of Mao: The Tangshan Earthquake and the Birth of the New China

By James Palmer

The Quest for Socialist Utopia: The Ethiopian Student Movement, c. 1960-1974

By Bahru Zewde

The Red Flag: A History of Communism

By David Priestland

Marxism After Marx

By David McLellan

Late Marxism: Adorno, Or, the Persistence of the Dialectic

By fredric jameson

History and Human Existence-From Marx to Merleau-Ponty

By James Miller

Gramsci and Marxist Theory

By Chantal Mouffe

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Vol.2

Capital: A Critique of Political Economy, Vol.3

Say it Loud!: Marxism and the Fight Against Racism

By Brian Richardson

The Communist Horizon

By Jodi Dean

Soviet Politics

By Gordon B. Smith

How To Change The World: Tales of Marx and Marxism

By Eric Hobsbawm

Socialist Register: Working Classes, Global Realities

By Leo Panitch, etc., Colin leys

The New World Disorder: Workers' Liberty 2/3

By Martin Thomas, Hal Draper, Karl Kautsky, Sean Matgamna

It Was a Long Time Ago, and it Never Happened Anyway: Russia and the Communist Past

By David Satter

An Introduction to Marxist Economic Theory

By Ernest Mandel

Analytical Marxism: A Critique

By Marcus Roberts

The History of the Russian Revolution

By L. Trotskii, Tony Cliff, Leon Trotsky, M. Eastman

Towards Socialism or Capitalism?

By L. Trotskii

Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine

By Anna Reid

Karl Marx: An Illustrated History

By Werner Blumenberg, Gareth Stedman Jones, Douglas Scott

Karl Marx: An Illustrated History

By Werner Blumenberg, Gareth Stedman Jones, Douglas Scott

Capitalism, State Formation and Marxist Theory

By Philip Corrigan

Marxism and Law

By Professor Piers Beirne, Richard Quinney

Limits to Capital

By David Harvey

Socialist Register: 1973

By Ralph Miliband, John Saville

Marx and Marxism

By Slaughter, C.