books by subject
Complex Analysis

Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula: Cures Many Mathematical Ills (Princeton Science Library)

An Imaginary Tale – The Story of Square Root Minus One: The Story of √-1 (Princeton Science Library)

Complex Functions: Course M337 Unit A2

Continuity: Course M337 Unit A3

Cauchy's Theorem: Course M337 Unit B2

Conformal Mappings: Course M337 Unit D1

The Mandelbrot Set: Course M337 Unit D3


Tata Lectures on Theta II: Jacobian theta functions and differential equations: 43 (Progress in Mathematics)

Approximation Theory: From Taylor Polynomials to Wavelets (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)

Introduction to Riemann Surfaces

Complex Analysis (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos

Good Math: A Geek's Guide to the Beauty of Numbers, Logic, and Computation (Pragmatic Programmers)

Nonlinear Workbook, The: Chaos, Fractals, Cellular Automata, Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Gene Expression Programming, Support Vector Machine, ... Java And Symbolicc++ Programs (3rd Edition...

Detemining Thresholds of Complete Synchronization, and Application (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science: Series A): 67

Function Theory of One Complex Variable (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) (Graduate Studies in Mathematics (Z))

Schaum's Outline of Complex Variables