books by subject

Compulsive Behaviour

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Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy

By Davanloo, Habib

Using Groups to Help People (International Library of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process)

By Whitaker, Dorothy Stock

Obsessional Thoughts and Behaviour

By Toates, Frederick M.

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change

By Duhigg, Charles

Flipnosis: The Art of Split-Second Persuasion

By Dutton, Professor Kevin

Lacan (Lacanian Clinical Field): Alan Vanier

By Vanier, Alain

Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis (Makers of Modern Psychotherapy)

By Nobus, Dany

Honor Your Anger: How Transforming Your Anger Style Can Change Your Life

By Engel, Beverly

Switch: How to change things when change is hard

By Dan Heath, Chip Heath, Heath, Dan, Chip

Brief Group Counselling: Integrating Individual and Group Cognitive-Behavioural Approaches (Wiley Series in Brief Therapy & Counselling)

By J. Scott, Michael

Four Approaches to Counselling and Psychotherapy

By Dryden, Windy

Developing Cognitive-Behavioural Counselling (Developing Counselling series)

By Michael Scott, Stephen Stradling, Windy Dryden, Stradling, Stephen G., Dryden, Windy

Individual Psychotherapy and the Science of Psychodynamics, 2Ed (Hodder Arnold Publication)

By Malan, David

Why Do Women Love Men and Not Their Mothers?

By Hamon, Marie-Christine

Person-Centred Therapy in Focus (Counselling & Psychotherapy in Focus Series)

By Wilkins, Paul

Transcultural Counselling in Action (Counselling in Action series)

By Patricia D'Ardenne, Aruna Mahtani

Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Young Children, First Edition: Effective Interventions in the Preschool and Kindergarten Years (The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series)

By Holland, Melissa L., Malmberg, Jessica, Gimpel Peacock, Gretchen

Cognitive Analytic Therapy: Developments in Theory and Practice: 22 (Wiley Series in Psychotherapy and Counselling)

By Ryle, Anthony

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Theory, Research and Treatment (Wiley Series in Clinical Psychology): 65

By Menzies, Ross G., De Silva, Padmal

Clinical Applications of Music Therapy in Developmental Disability, Paediatrics and Neurology

By Tony Wigram and Jos De Backer

Rethinking Violence against Women: 9 (SAGE Series on Violence against Women)

By Rebecca Dobash, Russell Dobash

Integration In Psychotherapy: Models and Methods

By Holmes, Jeremy

Jung in Context: Modernity and the Making of a Psychology

By Homans, Peter

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Change

By Duhigg, Charles

Creative Energies: Integrative Energy Psychotherapy for Self-Expression and Healing: Integrative Energy Psychology for Self-expression and Healing (Norton Energy Psychology)

By Hover–kramer, Dorothea

Adult Attachment and Couple Psychotherapy: The 'Secure Base' in Practice and Research

By Clulow, Christopher

Treating The Adult Survivor Of Childhood Sexual Abuse: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

By Messler Davies, Jody

Rewriting Family Scripts: Improvisation and Systems Change (The Guilford Family Therapy)

By Byng-Hall, John

Hartland's Medical and Dental Hypnosis

By Heap BSc MSc PhD, Michael, Aravind MBBS FRCS, Kottiyattil K.

Proactive Parenting: Help your child conquer self-destructive behaviours and build self-esteem

By Saligari, Mandy