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The Major Effect

By Kavanagh, Dennis, Seldon, Anthony

1 available

One of Us: Life of Margaret Thatcher

By Young, Hugo

Why We're Polarized

By Ezra Klein

The Fall of Boris Johnson: The Award-Winning, Explosive Account of the PM's Final Days

By Sebastian Payne

Prospects for Democracy: North, South, East, West

By Held, Prof David

Lord Hailsham: A Life

By Lewis, Geoffrey

The Meaning of Conservatism (Pelican S.)

By Scruton, Roger

The Longman Companion to the Conservative Party: Since 1830 (Longman Companions To History)

By Crowson, Nick

The New Right: Politics, Markets and Citizenship

By King, Desmond S.

Official Knowledge: Democratic Education in a Conservative Age

By Apple, Michael W.

Chappaquiddick: Power, Privilege, and the Ted Kennedy Cover-Up

By Damore, Leo

The Hard Road to Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left

By Stuart Hall

We, The Nation: The Conservative Party and the Pursuit of Power

By Davies, A.J.

Conservative Century: The Conservative Party since 1900

By Seldon, Anthony, Ball, Stuart

Disraeli and Victorian Conservatism: 100 (British History in Perspective)

By Jenkins, T.A.

Heinemann Advanced History: Liberalism & Conservatism

By Paterson, Mr David

El Dorado in West Africa: The Gold-mining Frontier, African Labor and Colonial Capitalism in the Gold Coast, 1875-1900 (Western African Studies)

By Raymond E. Dumett

Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination (Linguistics; 26)

By Appleby, Joyce

The Politics of Fear: What Right-Wing Populist Discourses Mean

By Wodak, Ruth

Democracy in Chains: the deep history of the radical right's stealth plan for America

By Maclean, Nancy

A Case for Conservatism: Conquest and Change in Colonial New York

By John Kekes

Theresa May: The Downing Street Revolution

By Virginia Blackburn

Poisoning the Minds of the Lower Orders

By Herzog, Don

Reasoning and Thinking (Cognitive Psychology)

By Manktelow, K.I.

Kind of Blue: A Political Memoir

By Clarke, Ken

Dirty Politics, Dirty Times: My Fight with Wapping and New Labour

By Michael Ashcroft

Jewish History, Jewish Religion, the Weight of 3000 Years (Pluto Middle Eastern Studies)

By Shahak, Israel, Vidal, Gore

Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate

By George Lakoff

The New Right: Image and Reality

By Deakin, Nicholas


By Stelzer, Irwin