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Contemporary Cults

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The Revelation Of Ramala (Ramala Triology Series)

By Ramala

Spirits and Slaves in Central Sudan: The Red Wind of Sennar

By Susan M. Kenyon

MIA’S WORLD: An Extraordinary Gift. An Unforgettable Journey

By Dolan, Mia

Jacob Boehme: The Way to Christ

By Peter Erb

The Ultimate PCOS Handbook: Lose weight, boost fertility, clear skin and restore self-esteem

By Colette Harris, Theresa Cheung

Soul Mates: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to

By Rita Rogers, Natasha Garnett

THE GIFT: The Story of an Ordinary Woman’s Extraordinary Power

By Dolan, Mia

You Own The Power

By Rosemary Altea

The Good Heart: His Holiness the Dalai Lama

By Dalai Lama

The Goth Bible: A Compendium for the Darkly Inclined

By Nancy Kilpatrick

Look Up and Dream

By Rietti, Robert

HAUNTED HOMES: True Stories of Paranormal Investigations

By Dolan

Making Nothing Happen: Five Poets Explore Faith and Spirituality

By D'costa, Gavin, Nesbitt, Eleanor, Pryce, Mark, Shelton, Ruth

Women's Faith Development: Patterns and Processes (Explorations in Practical, Pastoral and Empirical Theology)

By Slee, Nicola

Thiaoouba Prophecy

The Gift of Anger: The Sunday Times Bestseller

By Arun Gandhi

How To Practise: The Way to a Meaningful Life

By Lama, Dalai

Journey to Nowhere: A New World Tragedy

By Naipaul, Shiva

Vier vragen die je leven veranderen: loving What Is

By Katie, Byron, Mitchell, Stephen

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success

By Chopra, Dr Deepak

Where Angels Walk

By Anderson, Joan Wester

Altruism: The Power of Compassion to Change Yourself and the World

By Matthieu Ricard

Art, Spirituality and Economics: Liber Amicorum for Laszlo Zsolnai: 2 (Virtues and Economics, 2)

By Bouckaert, Luk, Ims, Knut J., Rona, Peter

Palliative Care and Catholic Health Care: Two Millennia of Caring for the Whole Person: 130 (Philosophy and Medicine, 130)

By Cataldo, Peter J., O’Brien, Dan

Open the Door: Sharing Your Faith with the Cults

By Harris, Doug

Stillness Speaks: Whispers of Now (The Power of Now)

By Tolle, Eckhart, Eckhart Tolle

The Infinite Mind: The Mind/Brain Phenomenon (Imprisoned Brain)

By Shine, Betty

Practising the Power of Now

By Eckhart Tolle

21st Century Goth

By Mercer, Mick

Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Verse by Verse

By Reed, David A.