books by subject
Cultural History of London

W.G.'s Birthday Party

The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family and Defiance During the Blitz

The Badge

Rebuilding London: Irish Migrants in Post-War Britain

An Unconsidered People: The Irish in London

Bedlam: London and its Mad

The Great Fire of London

La Vie en bleu: France and the French since 1900

City of Beasts: How Animals Shaped Georgian London

Ten Cities that Led the World: From Ancient Metropolis to Modern Megacity

The Blazing World: A New History of Revolutionary England

London's Hurricane

A Farewell to Fleet Street

Journey to Crossrail: Railways Under London, From Brunel to the Elizabeth Line

The History of Charlton Athletic, Valley of Tears, Valley of Joy

W.G.'s Birthday Party

The Rise & Rise Of Charlton Athletic

Highgate Cemetery: Victorian Valhalla

London Labour and the London Poor

The Thieves' Opera: The Remarkable Lives and Deaths of Jonathan Wild, Thief-taker and Jack Sheppard, House-breaker

Who Was: Samuel Pepys?

Sorrows of the Moon

Neither Nowt Nor Summat: In search of the meaning of Yorkshire

Hampton Court Palace

London's Strangest Tales: Extraordinary But True Tales from over a Thousand Years of London's History

More of Mr.Frogley's Barking: A Second Selection

"You're Never Had it So Good!": A Photographic Record of Dagenham in the 1950s

The British Museum Book of Greek and Roman Art