books by subject
Design & Decorative Arts

Ceramic Painting Made Easy (Crafts Made Easy S.)

Mosaic Magic: Simple Creative Ideas for Sophisticated Home Style

Celtic Design: Maze Patterns

Conran on Design

The Art of Polymer Clay: Designs and Techniques for Creating Jewelry, Pottery and Decorative Artwork (Watson-Guptill Crafts)

Alexander McQueen

Paul Thomas Anderson: Masterworks

The History and Technique of Lettering

Dreamweaver 2 Hands-On Training (LYNDA WEINMAN'S HANDS-ON TRAINING (HOT))

International Graphic Design (International graphic design series)

Dressing Marilyn: How a Hollywood Icon Was Styled

GCSE AQA Design and Technology D&T 8552 Course textbook by PG Online KS4 DT Exam Pass Complete Official AQA Examination Board Approved Guide (AQA GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology 8552)

Fashion UK

Optical and Geometrical Patterns and Designs (Picture Archives S.)

Low Budget, High Quality Design: Art of Inexpensive Visual Communication

Matisse (Taschen Basic Art Series)

Designing the 21st Century: 25th Anniversary edition

Handbuilding (Ceramics Handbooks)


Structural Package Design: Structural Package Designs (Pepin Press design book series)

Fifty Hats that Changed the World: Design Museum Fifty

Thankfulness: A Colouring Book

Database Developer's Guide with Visual BASIC

Ceramics and Print (Ceramics Handbooks)

Raku: A Practical Approach (Ceramics)

Doing Objects in Visual Basic 6

Film Posters of the 90s: The Essential Movies of the Decade

Yves Saint Laurent: Style

Pixel World: Pixel Cities/Pixel People/Pixel Objects/Pixel Arts