books by subject
Dick King-Smith

Sophie Is Seven

The Toby Man (Puffin Books)

Warlock Watson (Young Hippo)


Under the Mishmash Trees (Young Puffin Story Books)

The Jolly Witch: The Jolly Witch: 3 (Mrs Jolly)

Under the Mishmash Trees

Jungle Jingles and Other Animal Poems

Robin Hood And His Miserable Men: And Other Topsy-Turvy Stories (Read It Yourself)

The Jenius

Paddy's Pot of Gold (Puffin Books)

The Jenius (Young Puffin Story Books S)

Funny Frank

Dick King-Smith's Animal Friends

The Ghost at Codlin Castle and Other Stories: Baldiilocks and the Six Bears; the Alien at 7B; The Adorable Snowman; The Message: The Ghost at Codlin ... the Message; Who Killed Percy Fussell?

The Whistling Piglet

The Invisible Dog

A Hodgeheg Story: King Max the Last (Young Puffin story books)

Hairy Hezekiah

Mr Potter's Pet (Young Puffin Story Books S.)

All Pigs are Beautiful

The Twin Giants

The Clockwork Mouse :

Animal Stories (Mini)

The Invisible Dog (Young Puffin Confident Readers)

The Queen's Nose

Animal Stories

The School Mouse (Young Puffin Story Books)

Sophie is Seven (The Sophie stories) (Sophie Adventures)