books by subject
Dog Care

One Dog and His Man

My Animals and Other Family

James Herriot's Dog Stories

A Pug Like Percy

Unlikely Loves: 43 Heartwarming True Stories from the Animal Kingdom: 1 (Unlikely Friendships)

Pocket Eyewitness Dogs: Facts at Your Fingertips

Santa Paws

Swahili For The Broken-Hearted

Running For My Life: How I built a better me one step at a time

Caring for Your Dog: The Comprehensive Guide to Successful Dog Care

Dogs (Encyclopedia S.)

Cocker Spaniels (Owner's Companion S.)

Dog Breed Handbook: 3 Cocker Spaniel

Playing For Keeps: A fun feel-good read!

How to Train Your English Springer Spaniel

Dog Personalities

Judy: A Dog in a Million: The Heartwarming Story of WWII's Only Animal Prisoner of War

Saint Bernards

A Death in the Parish: The No.1 Sunday Times bestseller

Land of the Rising Cat: Japan's Feline Fascination

Doug The Pug: The King of the Internet

Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats

Book of the Bitch

The Labrador Retriever

Leading: Lessons in leadership from the legendary Manchester United manager

The World of Dogs

Arthur and Friends: The incredible story of a rescue dog, and how our dogs rescue us

Dogs in Snow - the Ultimate Collection

Lost Dog: A Love Story