books by subject
Drama & Dramatists

A Grammar of Shakespeare's Language

Imagining Shakespeare's Original Audience, 1660-2000: Groundlings, Gallants, Grocers

Shakespeare's Staged Spaces and Playgoers' Perceptions

Why Shakespeare?

New Performance/New Writing

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Looking for Hamlet

Ford: 'Tis Pity She's a Whore

Reading Shakespeare

King John and Henry VIII

All's Well that Ends Well

Henry VI, Parts I, II and III

Pericles (The RSC Shakespeare)

Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare Handbooks)

Richard II (The RSC Shakespeare)

The Two Gentlemen of Verona

The Merry Wives of Windsor

The Bundle (Modern Plays)

Shakespeare: His Life, Work and Era

Hamlet: The Oxford Shakespeare

Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Comedy: Authoritative Texts of the Country Wife, the Man of Mode, the Rover, the Way of the World, the Conscious ... : Contexts, cr: 0 (Norton Critical Editions)

Aspects of Hamlet

"The Playboy of the Western World"

Three Occasional Pieces

The Mysteries


Our Country's Good

Everyman And Medieval Miracle Plays (Everyman Paperback Classics)