books by subject

Making History

Chekhov's Great Plays: A Critical Anthology

Churchill the Playwright (Methuen Theatre Profiles Series)

Bolsheviks and Other Plays

Objects of Affection and Other Plays for Television

Sons and Lovers: Trevor Griffiths' Screenplay of the Novel by D.H. Lawrence

Coward Plays: 2: Private Lives; Bitter-Sweet; The Marquise; Post-Mortem (World Classics)

De Filippo Four Plays: The Local Authority; Grand Magic; Filumena; Marturano: Plays Four (World Classics)

Three More Melodramas (Acting Edition S.)

Volpone (NHB Drama Classics) (Drama Classics S)

Volpone (Study Texts S.)

The Museum of Broken Promises

Selected Plays

Balinese Dance, Drama & Music: A Guide to the Performing Arts of Bali

London Assurance (Theatre Classics S.)

Contemporary Scenes for Actors: Women (Audition Speeches)

Bell, Book and Candle: A Comedy in Three Acts (Acting Edition S.)

Quality Street (Acting Edition S.)


The Cherry Orchard

Coming in to Land

Enacting Participatory Development: Theatre-based Techniques

One Way Pendulum (Acting Edition S.)

The Sneeze (Methuen Theatre Classics)

All on Stage -Book Two: Bk. 2

Separate Tables - Two Plays (Acting Edition S.)

Marching Song: Play (Acting Edition S.)

Twelfth Night (No Fear Shakespeare): Volume 8

Henry IV: Part One