books by subject

Site Investigation in Construction Part 4: Guidelines for the Safe Investigation by Drilling of Landfills and Contaminated Land

Technology for Developing Marginal Offshore Oilfields

Oilwell Drilling Engineering : Principles and Practice

Disaster on the Horizon: High Stake, High Risks, and the Story Behind the Deepwater Well Blowout

Fundamentals of Casing Design: 1 (Petroleum Engineering and Development Studies)

Directional Drilling: 2 (Petroleum Engineering and Development Studies, 2)

Groundwater Development and Management: Issues and Challenges in South Asia

Drilling Engineering Handbook

Core-Log Integration (Geological Society Special Publication)

Geological Aspects of Horizontal Drilling (Aapg Continuing Education Course Note)

Dictionary of Petroleum: Exploration, Drilling and Production

Drilling Data Handbook

Fire on the Horizon: The Untold Story of the Gulf Oil Disaster