books by subject

Thorsons First Directions – Druidry (Thorsons First Directions S.)

Spirits of the Sacred Grove : The World of a Druid Priestess

Principles of – Druidry: The only introduction you’ll ever need (Thorsons principles series)

Celtic Mythology: The Nature and Influence of Celtic Myth from Druidism to Arthurian Legend

A Brief History of the Druids (Brief Histories)

The Druids: A History

Druid Magic Handbook: Ritual Magic Rooted in the Living Earth

Druidcraft: The Magic of Wicca and Druidry

Druid Mysteries: Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century

The Druids (Ancient Peoples and Places)

The Stronghold (Piccolo Books)

The Druid Renaissance: The Voice of Druidry Today