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Optimal Database Marketing: Strategy, Development, and Data Mining

By Drozdenko, Ronald G., Drake, Perry D.

Beginning Joomla!, Second Edition (Expert's Voice in Open Source)

By Rahmel, Dan

The Trouble with Billionaires: How The Super-Rich Hijacked The World (And How We Can Take It Back)

By Brooks, Neils, Mc Quaig, Linda

Intranet Bible

By Serevati, A., etc., Bremner, L.M., Iasi, A.F.

We the Media: Grassroots Journalism By the People, For the People

By Dan Gillmor

C++ Programming Made Simple (Made Simple Programming)

By Sexton, Conor

Dot.Con: The Greatest Story Ever Sold

By Cassidy, John

E-shock: Electronic Shopping Revolution - Strategies for Retailers and Manufacturers (Macmillan business)

By Kare-Silver, Michael De

C# Precisely (The MIT Press)

By Peter Sestoft, Henrik I. Hansen

Makers: The New Industrial Revolution

By Anderson, Chris

The Attention Merchants: The Epic Struggle to Get Inside Our Heads

By Wu, Tim

The EBay Book

By Belbin, David

No Bullshit Social Media: The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing

By Falls, Jason, Deckers, Erik

Creating and Capturing Value: Perspectives and Cases on Electronic Commerce

By Saloner, Garth, Spence, A. Michael

Marketing in the Digital Age

By O'Connor, John

Computing Skills for Economists

By Judge, Guy

Online Share Investing: A UK Guide

By Fitt, Alistair

The Rise of the Network Society: Economy, Society and Culture v.1: The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture Vol 1 (Information Age Series)

By Castells, Manuel

Total E-Mail Marketing

By Chaffey, Dave

The B2B Social Media Book: Become a Marketing Superstar by Generating Leads with Blogging, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Email, and More

By Bodnar, Kipp

Content Revolution: Communicate What You Stand For by Telling a Better Story: Telling a Better Story to Differentiate from the Competition

By Mark Masters

Social Media Marketing All-in-One For Dummies

By Zimmerman, Jan, Sahlin, Doug

Winning B2B Marketing

By Ryan, Christopher

Building Enterprise Active Directory Services

By Microsoft Corporation

SharePoint 2007: The Definitive Guide

By James Pyles, Christopher M. Buechler, Bob Fox, Murray Gordon, Michael Lotter, Jason Medero, Nilesh Mehta, Joris Poelmans, Christopher Pragash, Piotr Prussak, Christopher J. Regan

Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice

By Chaffey, Dave, Mayer, Richard, Johnston, Mr Kevin, Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona

Game On: Energize Your Business with Social Media Games

By Radoff, Jon

Corporate Blogging for Dummies

By Karr, Douglas, Flannery, Chantelle


By Senker, Cath

Fuzzy Logic: The Revolutionary Computer Technology that Is Changing Our World

By McNeill, Daniel, Freiberger, Paul