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ENT: An Introduction and Practical Guide

By James Tysome, Rahul Kanegaonkar

Ear, Nose and Throat at a Glance

By Clarke, Ray, Munir, Nazia

Neuro-ophthalmology Review Manual

By Bajandas, Frank J., Kline, Lanning B.

ENT Secrets,: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access

By Bruce W. Jafek

A Colour Handbook of Oral Medicine

By Lewis, Michael A.O., Jordan, Richard C.K.

Imaging of Head and Neck Cancer: A Practical Approach

By Ahuja, A. T., Evans, R. M., King, A. D., van Hasselt, C. A.

MCQs and EMQs for the Diploma in Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery (MasterPass)

By Syed, Irfan, Bhutta, Mahmood

Reflux & Oesophageal Problems

By Bennett, John R.

Periodontics in Practice: Science with Humanity

By Watts, Trevor L P

Periodontics: Current Concepts and Treatment Strategies

By Dowsett, Sherie A, Galgut, Peter N, Kowolik, Michael J

Understanding Deaf Culture: In Search of Deafhood

By Ladd, Paddy

Key Topics in Otolaryngology, Second Edition

By Roland, N. J., McRae, R. D. R., McCombe, A. W.

Greene and Mathieson′s the Voice and its Disorders

By Mathieson, Lesley

Tinnitus: A Multidisciplinary Approach

By Andersson, Gerhard, Baguley, David

Shared Care For ENT

By Milford, Chris, Rowlands, Aled

Color Atlas of Ent Diagnosis

By Bull, Tony R.

Dynamics of the Singing Voice

By Bunch, Meribeth A., Besterman, A.

Manual of Temporal Bone Exercises

By Henning Hildmann, Holger Sudhoff, Stefan Dazert, Rudolf Hagen

Pocket Tutor Otolaryngology

By Bhattacharyya, Abir

ABC of Ear, Nose and Throat

By Harold Ludman

Oral Disease

By Renson, C.E.

Updated ENT

By Browning, G.G.

Children of Silence: The Story of Sarah And Joanne's Triumph Over Deafness

By Robinson, Kathy

Oxford Handbook of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery (Oxford Handbooks Series)

By Corbridge, Rogan, Steventon, Nicholas

Paediatric Otolaryngology (v. 6) (Scott-Brown's Otolaryngology)

By Evans, N.G., Brown, W.G.Scott-, Kerr, A.G., Groves, J.

Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Management

By Groher PhD, Michael E

ENT In Focus

By Youngs, Robin, Stafford, Nicholas D.

ENT and Head and Neck Procedures: An Operative Guide

By Mochloulis, George, Seymour, F. Kay, Stephens, Joanna

ENT OSCEs: A Guide to Passing the DO-HNS and MRCS (ENT) OSCE (MasterPass)

By Manjaly, Joseph, Kullar, Peter, Carter, Alison, Fox, Richard

A Color Atlas of Otorhinolaryngology

By Benjamin, Bruce, Bingham, Brian, Hawke, Michael, Stammberger, Heinz