books by subject
Early Learning

Little Miss: Pocket Library

Waybuloo: Piplings Count

Thomas & Friends Count with Thomas

Millie Shares

Winnie the Pooh Colours: Lift the Flap book (Winnie the Pooh Lift the Flap)

Think of a Number (Big Questions)

My Potty Book For Girls

Bunny (Eye Openers See How They Grow)

Animals Mini Board Book (Columbia Special)

Puppy Dog (Gold Stars Readers S.)

First Maths (Gold Stars Pre-school Workbooks)
Nursery Rhyme (Nursery Rhyme Touch & Feel S.)

200 Maths and English Activities: Reception

Incy Wincy Spider (Let's Join In)

ZingZillas: Panzee Plays Hide-and-Seek

ZingZillas: Sweet Dreams, Drum

ZingZillas: Tang's Happy Day

ZingZillas: Musical Medley Magnet Book

In the Night Garden: Noisy Ninky Nonk Sound Book: 117

Animal Senses (Super Senses)

Seasons (Picture This!)

There Are Cats in This Book

Ollie The Stomper (Gossie & Friends)



Things I Like

Ten in the Bed and Other Counting Rhymes

Here's a Little Poem: A Very First Book of Poetry

Learn with Maisy