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Earth Sciences & Geography

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Molecular Biology of the Cell

By Alberts, Bruce

Cowpea: Research, Production and Utilization

By Singh, SR

Sonic Wonderland: A Scientific Odyssey of Sound

By Cox, Trevor

A Wine Journey along the Russian River, With a New Preface

By Heimoff, Steve

On the Wrong Side of the Track?: East London and the Post Olympics

By Cohen, Phil

Vegetation and Soils: A World Picture

By Eyre, Samuel Robert

Foundations of Physical Chemistry: Worked Examples: 68 (Oxford Chemistry Primers)

By Lawrence, Nathan

Design of Agricultural Machinery


Space, People, Place: Economic and Settlement Geography (LSSG)

By J.C.R.Camm and P.G.Irwin

Town And Country

By Barnett/Scruton

Spatial Structures: Introducing the Study of Spatial Systems in Human Geography

By Johnston, R. J.

Fundamentals of Human Geography: A Reader

By Blunden, John, etc.

Wilderness Edge(Pb) (Network Books)


Field Geology in Colour

By D E B Bates, J F Kirkaldy

Saxons, Vikings, and Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland

By Sykes, Bryan

The Immersive Worlds Handbook: Designing Theme Parks and Consumer Spaces

By Lukas, Scott

Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection

By Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt

Petrogenesis of Metamorphic Rocks

By Winkler, Helmut G.F., Chatterjee, Niranjan D., Froese, E.

The Meat Question: Animals, Humans, and the Deep History of Food (The MIT Press)

By Josh Berson

The Transport Issue: v. 58 (Issues S.)

By Donnellan, Craig


By D.C.Money

Sixty Seconds That Will Change The World: The Coming Tokyo Earthquake

By Hadfield, Peter

Sustainability Assessment: Criteria and Processes

By Robert B. Gibson, Selma Hassan, Susan Holtz

Burkina Faso: New Life for the Sahel (Oxfam Country Profiles)

By Sharp, Robin

Financing Urban Shelter: Global Report on Human Settlements 2005

By Un-Habitat

Book of Natural Disasters

By Walker, J., Dinedn, Jacquelyn

Tsunami Alert! (Disaster Alert!)

By Niki Walker

Essentials of Environmental Management

By Hyde, Paul, Reeve

Mother Nature

By Sarah Blaffer Hrdy

Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis

By Bedient, Phillip B., Huber, Wayne C.