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Earth Sciences & Geography References

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Spain (People & places)

By Tolhurst, MARILYN, Savage, Ann

Internet-Linked Encyclopedia of World Geography (Usborne Internet Linked)

By Doherty, G.

Isabella Bird Bishop: In Her Own Time

By Anne, Gatti

Homes In The Future (Houses/Homes)

By Hachette Children's Books

Atmosphere In Danger: 1 (Environmental Disasters)

By Walker, J

Focus on Brazil

By Dicks, Brian

Backpack Books: 101 Facts About Rocks and Minerals Paper

By Fuller, Sue

Continents and Countries

Maps: their untold stories

By Mitchell, Rose, Janes, Andrew

Wind Play

By Catherall, Ed

Spain (Country Fact File) (Information Books - Geography)

Eco School: 2 (Taking Part)

By Hewitt, Sally

The Cromwellian Gazetteer: An Illustrated Guide to Britain in the Civil War and Commonwealth (Sutton History Paperbacks)

By Gaunt, Peter, Wedgwood, C. V.

Learn Together History: In And Around Town: A Chronological Study From The Romans To Modern Times: 3 (Piccolo Learn Together S.)

By Dawson, Richard

Wetlands (Biomes Atlases)

By Beatty, Richard

Oceans And Beaches (Biomes Atlases)

By Day, Trevor

Atlas of Past Times

By John, Haywood

"National Geographic" The Photographs

By Bendavid-Val, Leah

Uk (Country Fact Files)

By Baines, John D., Flint, David, John D. Baines, David Flint

Divided We Govern: Coalition Politics in Modern India

By Ruparelia, Sanjay

Regionalism and Integration in Africa: EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements and Euro-Nigeria Relations (African Histories and Modernities)

By Oloruntoba, Samuel O.

2022 Collins Big Road Atlas Britain: A3 Spiral

By Collins Maps

The Young Green Consumer Guide

By Elkington, John, Hailes, Julia, Hill, Douglas, Ross, Tony

Environmental Geography (Specials S.)

By Green, Mary, Clifford, Gary

Weather Explained (Your World Explained S.)

By Elsom, Derek M.

Shorelines (Living World)

By Morgan, Sally, Lalor, Pauline

Italy (World in view)

By Angelillo, Barbara Walsh

Children's first book of earth and space

Why Does it Get Cold? (Early Birds S.)

By Niblo, Alison, Songhurst, Hazel, Lawrie, Robin

Urban Ecology (Practical ecology series)

By Dianne Smith, Smith, Dianne