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Ecological Pollution

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Computers and the Environment: Understanding and Managing their Impacts: 14 (Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, 14)

By Kuehr, R., Williams, Eric

Monitoring Ecological Condition in the Western United States

By Sandhu, Shabeg S., Melzian, Brian D., Long, Edward R., Whitford, Walter G., Walton, Barbara T.

Tropical Agriculture in Transition ― Opportunities for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

By Wassmann, Reiner, Vlek, Paul L.G.

Earth Paleoenvironments: Records Preserved in Mid- and Low-Latitude Glaciers: 9 (Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, 9)

By Cecil, L.DeWayne, Green, Jaromy R., Thompson, Lonnie G.

Urban Air Quality: Recent Advances

By Sokhi, Ranjeet S., Bartzis, John G.

Introduction to Sustainability: Road to a Better Future

By Munier, Nolberto

In Situ Soil Remediation: 6 (Soil & Environment, 6)

By Otten, A.M., Alphenaar, Arne, Pijls, Charles, Spuij, Frank, De Wit, Han

Global Environmental Change and Land Use

By Haarman, Han, Verhagen, A., Rovers, C.A.

Environmental Challenges

By Belkin, Shimson, Gabbay, Shoshana

Extreme Environmental Events: Complexity in Forecasting and Early Warning (Springer Reference)

By Meyers, Robert A.

Soil Emission of Nitrous Oxide and its Mitigation

By Ussiri, David, Lal, Rattan

Developments in Soil Salinity Assessment and Reclamation: Innovative Thinking and Use of Marginal Soil and Water Resources in Irrigated Agriculture

By Shahid, Shabbir A., Abdelfattah, Mahmoud A., Taha, Faisal K.

Encyclopedia of Modern Coral Reefs: Structure, Form and Process (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

By Cabioch †, Guy, Hopley, David, Davies, Peter, Done, Terry, Gischler, Eberhard, MacIntyre, I. G., Wood, Rachel, Woodroffe, Colin

Challenges and Opportunities for the World's Forests in the 21st Century: 81 (Forestry Sciences, 81)

By Fenning, Trevor

Eurasian Steppes. Ecological Problems and Livelihoods in a Changing World: 6 (Plant and Vegetation, 6)

By Werger, Marinus J.A., Van Staalduinen, Marja A.

Resilient Cities: Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change - Proceedings of the Global Forum 2010 (Local Sustainability, 1)

By Otto-Zimmermann, Konrad

Resilient Cities 2: Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change – Proceedings of the Global Forum 2011 (Local Sustainability, 2)

By Otto-Zimmermann, Konrad

Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean

By Romero, Aldemaro, West, Sarah E.

Wastewater Treatment in Constructed Wetlands with Horizontal Sub-Surface Flow: 14 (Environmental Pollution, 14)

By Vymazal, Jan, Kröpfelová, Lenka

Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in Arid Environments: 13 (Environmental Pollution, 13)

By Han, Fengxiang X.

Sustainable Protein Production and Consumption: Pigs or Peas?: 45 (Environment & Policy, 45)

By Aiking, Harry, Boer, Joop de, Vereijken, Johan

Atmosphere, Climate and Change: Edition en anglais (Scientific American Library)

By Graedel, Thomas, Crutzen, P.J.

Long-term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes: Volume 8 (Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, 8)

By Pienitz, Reinhard, Douglas, Marianne S.V., Smol, John P.

Integrated Assessment of Water Resources and Global Change: A North-South Analysis

By Craswell, Eric, Bonnell, Mike, Bossio, Deborah, Demuth, Siegfried, van de Giesen, Nick

Arabian Deserts: Nature, Origin and Evolution

By Edgell, H. Stewart

Nearly Zero Energy Communities: Proceedings of the Conference for Sustainable Energy (CSE) 2017 (Springer Proceedings in Energy)

By Visa, Ion, Duta, Anca

Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change: Interim Results from the U.S. Country Studies Program: 8 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 8)

By Smith, Joel B., Huq, Saleemul, Lenhart, Stephanie, Mata, Luis José, Nemesová, Ivana, Touré, Sekou

Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Assessment: A Guidebook: 6 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 6)

By Sathaye, Jayant A., Meyers, Stephen

Endocrine Disrupters: Environmental Health and Policies: 18 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 18)

By Nicolopoulou-Stamati, Polyxeni, Hens, Luc, Howard, Vyvyan C.

Integrated Regional Risk Assessment, Vol. I: Continuous and Non-Point Source Emissions: Air, Water, Soil: 4 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 4)

By Gheorghe, A.V., Nicolet-Monnier, M.