books by subject

Woodland Habitats (Habitat Guides)
1 available
Lake Kivu: Limnology and biogeochemistry of a tropical great lake: 5 (Aquatic Ecology Series)
1 available
1 available
Ecology: Principles and Practice
1 available
Green Guide for Christmas: Give the Planet a Gift This Christmas
1 available
The Revenge of Gaia: Why the Earth is Fighting Back and How We Can Still Save Humanity
1 available
Bottom Soils, Sediment, and Pond Aquaculture (Plant & Animal)

Management of Natural Resources in a Changing Environment

Threats to Mangrove Forests: Hazards, Vulnerability, and Management: 25 (Coastal Research Library, 25)

Managing Biosecurity Across Borders

Invasive Alien Arthropod Predators and Parasitoids: An Ecological Approach: 13 (Progress in Biological Control, 13)

Biological Management of Diseases of Crops: Volume 1: Characteristics of Biological Control Agents: 15 (Progress in Biological Control, 15)

Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East-European Flora: The Carpathian Mountains Region

Sand Dune Conservation, Management and Restoration: 4 (Coastal Research Library, 4)

Aquaculture Management

Fish Nutrition in Aquaculture: 1 (Aquaculture Series, 1)

Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data using CANOCO

Algae and their Biotechnological Potential

Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe. Distribution, Impacts and Management

Fisheries Acoustics: 5 (Fish & Fisheries Series, 5)

Conservation Management of Freshwater Habitats: Lakes, rivers and wetlands: 9 (Conservation Biology, 9)

Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid Highland Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa

Soil: Reflections on the Basis of our Existence

Sustainable Potato Production: Global Case Studies

Bacterial Diversity in Sustainable Agriculture: 1 (Sustainable Development and Biodiversity, 1)

Organic Farming, Prototype for Sustainable Agricultures

Plant Ecology

Extracellular Composite Matrices in Arthropods

Monitoring and Modelling Lakes and Coastal Environments